Claude Schuck, Regional Manager for Middle East and Central Africa at Veeam Software explains the five steps to achieve the GDPR compliance. There are still a vast number of organizations that have not taken the necessary steps to ensure GDPR compliance? The problem surrounding GDPR compliance is that it’s thoughtRead More…

Gregg Petersen, Regional Sales VP MEA, Veeam Software

Gregg Petersen, Regional Vice President, Middle East & Africa at Veeam Software shares how ransomware impacts the financial services industry. He further highlights that financial organizations are targeted by approximately 13% of total attacks and ransomware as been reported as the number one vector of security risk in the financialRead More…

Saudi Arabia has the region’s largest IT market, valued at approximately $4.6 billion. The Kingdom is continuing to accelerate its economic diversification efforts with its Vision 2030 plan and the National Transformation Program (NTP). Such efforts suggest a paradigm shift from a public sector-driven economy to one driven by theRead More…

Data is of prime importance regardless of whether you are doing business online, delivering better patient care, sequencing the next discovery, delivering your software via SaaS, or evolving your business analytics to real time. The increasing adoption of IoT and digital transformation has given rise to a seemingly interminable productionRead More…