PC market has been growing quarter by quarter and according to the latest figures announced by IDC show the overall market grew 2.8 per cent year on year for the quarter, spurred primarily by shipments of portable PCs and the return to a semblance of stability in certain key marketsRead More…

According toIDC, the PC market for the Middle East and Africa region suffered a decline in shipments during the last quarter of 2011, despite a healthy growth in Saudi Arabia and UAE. The overall market from falling 6.7% on Q4 2010 levels to total 5.1 million units. The market saw declines across the technology spectrum, with desktop shipments decreasing 12.1% year on year to 1.8 million units and shipments of notebooks shrinking 3.4% over the same period to 3.3 million units, while the situation in Turkey, Egypt, and Nigeria was particularly bleak.Read More…