The PC market is still evolving in this region despite the global PC market experiencing an overall negative growth. Latest insights from IDC report a 6.2% decline year on year as 2017 came to a close. Understandably, PC peripherals and components are affected by this shrinking market.Read More…

Algeria’s mobile phone market recovered from an extremely turbulent 2017 to post strong growth for the first three months of 2018, according to the latest figures announced today by International Data Corporation (IDC). The global technology research and consulting firm’s newly released Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker shows that device shipmentsRead More…

IDC earlier this week hosted the fourth Egypt CIO Summit at the Nile Ritz-Carlton in Cairo under a theme ‘Developing a Blueprint for Thriving in the Digital Economy.’ The Summit brought together more than 100 ICT leaders and CIOs for full-day discussions  and learningsRead More…

International Data Corporation (IDC) will be hosting an exclusive CISO Roundtable at Dubai’s iconic Burj Al Arab on April 11, 2018. Running under the theme ‘Delivering Pervasive Security for the Digital Era’,the event will explore the new complexities being introduced to the IT security ecosystem as organizations increasingly embrace aRead More…

Saudi Arabia has the region’s largest IT market, valued at approximately $4.6 billion. The Kingdom is continuing to accelerate its economic diversification efforts with its Vision 2030 plan and the National Transformation Program (NTP). Such efforts suggest a paradigm shift from a public sector-driven economy to one driven by theRead More…

IDC today announced that it has formed a new CIO Advisory Council, an independent industry body tasked with spurring collaboration, incubating innovation, and accelerating the proliferation of new technology trends across the Gulf region.Read More…

The Middle East and Africa (MEA) Internet of Things (IoT) market is set to grow 15% year on year in 2018, according to a recent update to the Worldwide Semiannual Internet of Things Spending Guide from International Data Corporation (IDC). The global technology research and consulting firm’s latest forecast showsRead More…

Virtual Reality is not something new and the technology has been around for quite some time now. Most of the hype and innovation in VR has been in the consumer segment offering gamers a rich, interactive gaming environment which is probably why most of us associate VR with gaming. However,Read More…

Research firm IDC has said that the introduction of value-added tax in January 2018 will exacerbate the outlook for the mobile phone market in the GCC region. With VAT of 5% becoming effective across the UAE and Saudi Arabia on January 1st, and the rest of the GCC following suit laterRead More…

According to the latest figures announced today by IDC, the mobile phone market in GCC remained flat in Q3 2017. The global technology research and consulting firm’s newly released Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker shows overall shipments for the quarter totaled 6.4 million units, reflecting an increase of just 0.1% quarterRead More…