New wave of future technology

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a new wave of future technology. In the field of IT, it is seen as one of the most advanced technology too. It is the magical world of networking and automation combining both hardware and software that makes tasks a breeze.

Studies show that robots and RPA are becoming a part of business operations in the organizations across the globe on a compulsory term. Core business processes like employee payroll, status changes, recruitments, inventory management etc are brought to immediate value with RPA.

What makes RPA effective is its ability to reduce costs while helping businesses to scale immensely. Robots learn quickly, adapt and begin contributing to processes making it leverage into existing infrastructure. These can further be involved in the operations as they can mimic the actions of humans. Pretty much all of the high volume, repetitive process is eligible and automation making RPA worth the investment. Implementers are already saying that there is no better time to implement than now.

“The scaling of technology upwards in any IT platform is vital when it comes to meet the growing, changing, and challenging demands of the users. This would need an enormous amount of research, could also be time consuming and expensive. However, we firmly believe the integration of RPA platform is the need of the hour.” says Eljo Pynadath, Director and Chief Business Officer, Finesse.

Eljo Pynadath, Director and Chief Business Officer, Finesse

He further added, “Without Hyper automation, it would not be possible for RPA solely to automate processes in an organization, harnessing various technology platforms in RPA such as – optical character recognition (OCR), chatbots, artificial intelligence (AI) and business process management (BPM), amongst others would result in having an integrated, robust, and flexible approach to meet the needs of customers to unlock their end-to-end automation requirements.

Robotic man power
There is a high demand increase for goods and services around the world. This is proving that human labor alone is not adequate to address them all. With COVID 19 pandemic situation and the shortage of man power, the need for robotic process automation for enterprises have skyrocketed.

“It is estimated that the world has now seen a surge in digital transformation technologies in the past few months due to the pandemic, with several companies looking to implement RPA in the near future. During a pandemic, resources are scarce due to safety protocols hence there is a need for the bots to take over the manual tasks which in turn relieves the company to have a lesser workforce. It is highly recommended to implement RPA as it can be easily and quickly integrated into existing systems at a nominal expense, which would result in the employees spending time on qualitative work rather than repetitive tasks.” said Pynadath.

Expensive Failures
But like any digital transformation exercise, RPA is a complex process that needs proper planning that would steer away from expensive failures. Muhammed Alampady, Technical Manager, Expo 2020 Dubai spoke about how he planned and implemented RPA in his previous media broadcasting company Al Murad group’s Channel 4 Radio Networks, UAE Television Ajman. “Our approach was to reach the traditional broadcast solution provider share the requirement and get the RPA system done as per our requirement. This indeed created a long implantation time but eventually put a mark on the market that RPA is the future for the Media Broadcast segment,” he said. He further added that RPA is still not widely accepted by the traditional broadcaster, who is not ready to take a risk since broadcast always been big central apparatus rooms with complicated hardware and control units with a decent amount of crew members.

Muhammed Alampady, Technical Manager, Expo 2020 Dubai

On the other hand, Pynadath said that organizations must evaluate processes frequently on a quarterly basis for improvement or optimization in processes in order to employees concentrates on crucial tasks rather than spending time over repetitive tasks that could be easily handled by bots. Bots have higher productivity, accuracy and deliver better customer experiences while handling repetitive tasks. “Organizations must allocate time and budget towards upskilling select workforce in RPA. RPA bots create massive improvements in employee productivity by accelerating workflows and enabling more tasks to be done by bots which can be handled independently.”

Digital Labour
There are no standard operational models developed still now for the Robotic Process Automation operations. The main advantage is the “Digital Labour” to reduce costs, minimize errors, and eliminate the risks. The RPA has many operational advantages across multidisciplinary and varied organizations. Boosting employee productivity could be counted as one of the main amongst them.

Finesse believes that automation of various processes across all industry verticals is happening at a rapid pace. In many organizations this in turn is simplifying our lives by not requiring the need to handle repetitive and mundane tasks. “In addition to the manhours saved through automation, RPA has also further strengthened the process stability by eliminating human dependencies, translating into continuous value generation. Robotic Process Automation implementation will significantly reduce manual intervention within key processes in an organization, thus allowing its employees to focus on higher productivity jobs. The bots interact with the systems same way as a human does except that the bots could work round the clock, more accurately and faster. On an average the bots would reduce about 80% of manual tasks.”

The business operations are going to be changed drastically, with the new RPA technology. Companies can dramatically improve the efficiency with which they use their labor, augmenting a more sustainable workforce with reliable, efficient and low-cost digital labor using Robotic Process Automation. This allows companies to reduce costs, minimize errors, and eliminate risk.

