Almasa creates independent VAD entity

Mehdi Amjad and Roger El Tawi

Almasa Holding has recently announced that it has carved out its VAD unit into an independent company and the new entity would be called as Almasa Value Distribution which aims to deliver solutions and services to resellers addressing networking, communications and security issues in the region.

“Almasa Holdings recognised that through a combination of market focus, the correct solutions, and strong relationships with vendors and resellers, there is a significant opportunity to be addressed, especially for mid-sized organizations in the Middle East, as well as the wider channel community. Almasa Value Distribution now has the vision, leadership and product mix to address the strategic growth opportunities for both IT solution vendors and the channel sector,” said Mehdi Amjad, president and CEO at Almasa Holdings.

Industry veteran Roger El Tawil joins Almasa Value Distribution as the executive director at Almasa Value Distribution after several months in a consultative role.

Roger in its new role will be refining and redefining  the strategy and execution of Almasa Value Distribution’s main objectives providing focus to vendors and partners, as well as aiming to specialise in a solutions portfolio which brings value to the channel and transforms business while reducing cost.

Operating independently, whilst leveraging the infrastructure, experience and support of Almasa IT Distribution and Almasa Holdings, Almasa Value Distribution currently manages the full end-to-end Avaya portfolio of telephony, video, data, and WiFi from large to small enterprises across MEA, as well as networking solutions from HP.

Roger El Tawil, said, “Understanding the market dynamic, manouevring quickly, and building on our existing relationships – as well as establishing new ones – enables Almasa Value Distribution to address the pain points for both channel and vendors, bridging the gaps between them to build joint strategies for growth.”

“Within the next year we plan to further evolve Almasa Value Distribution and introduce additional services in key technologies such as collaboration, security and storage. We’re building a dynamic, knowledgeable team which can leverage the entrepreneurial spirit of our parent company to deliver real value and focus to the Middle East’s channel community,” added El Tawil.


