Aptec reaches Antarctica


Aptec commenced its long-term environmental sustainability plan by sponsoring one of the participants in The Renewable Energy Expedition to Antarctica, Zornitza Hadjitodorova, resident of UAE, an environmental activist and an official ambassador of the organization 2041 across the Middle East.

Zornitza Hadjitodorova was part of the expedition along with 27 senior business leaders from across the world with an objective to raise awareness on the topic of environmental sustainability globally and leadership on the edge.

Dr. Ali Baghdadi, CEO, Aptec Holdings, said, “Many companies recognize the danger of Earth’s resource constraints and try to make efforts to move towards a lower climate risk economy. Sustainability issues, such as biodiversity, climate change, and environmental degradation have become central challenges. Aptec wants to spread the awareness among its channel partners with whom it reaches over 30,000 businesses every year.”

The two-week expedition was organized by 2041 and led by ACORE, American Council on Renewable Energy.

Aptec’s flag was delivered to Antarctica by Zornitza Hadjitodorova to mark the beginning of the company’s sustainability plan, the first of its kind in the region initiated by an IT distributor. Aptec Group revealed its plans of Corporate Social Responsibility program to be launched later this year.

Aptec’s approach to CSR will align responsible business practices and social investments to create long-term value for all stakeholders.

Aptec’s plans are to empower individuals within the company and its supply chain to make the commitment to reduce their carbon footprint through targeted efforts. Aptec undertakes partnerships with IT vendors, industry peers, and other stakeholders to help it implement this strategy to promote the Green IT in the channel and the role of Information and Communication Technology in sustainability. Reducing energy consumption in datacenters through creating awareness about energy-sufficient servers and virtualization technology and promoting cooling systems that consume less energy are main areas where distributor can have impact.

Ali further commented, that, “Information technology has the power to transform how the world approaches environmental challenges. Aptec sees its role as an agent of knowledge and practical ideas that can contribute to a sustainable ecosystem. After all, Aptec stands for Appropriate Technology and was born with this as a main goal.”