Juniper recognises Spectrum's Ghazanfar Ali

Leading networking and security technical training provider Spectrum Training, announced that one of its top instructors Ghazanfar Ali has been recognised as one of the Juniper Networks Certified instructor in whole of the Europe and Middle Eeast Africa region.

Ghazanfar was recognized for high customer satisfaction ratings, number of students trained, and participation in Juniper Betas, curriculum and certification feedback and development.

Sanjeev Singh, MD, Spectrum Training, said, “This is phenomenal achievement by Ghazanfar Ali, exhibits the hard work & superior quality of training executed at Spectrum. We welcome Ghazanfar to the pool of trainers at Spectrum who have been recognized by Juniper in past years. This is 5th Year we have been honored in this category. This shows the consistency we have built in a very short span of time and we are extremely proud of winning this award.”

As a leading global IT manufacturer, Juniper Networks’ certified instructors play an integral role in the global implementation of its training and certification program. The JNCP consists of platform-specific, multi-tiered tracks, which enable participants to demonstrate their competence with Juniper Networks technology through a combination of written proficiency tests and hands-on configuration and troubleshooting exams.

“We are pleased to recognize Spectrum as one of the top performing JNAEP’s in EMEA and laud Ghazanfar’s accomplishment. Through our Authorized Education Centers, we are expanding the reach of Juniper’s Education Services around the globe and providing the local training customers and partners need to maximize their technology investments,” said Linda Moss, Senior Director of Education Services, Juniper Networks.