Some years ago the head of the Industrial Engineering Department of Yale University stated, “If I had only one hour to solve a problem, I would spend up to two-thirds of that hour attempting to define what the problem is.” In the same vein, a woodsman was once asked, “WhatRead More…

During her recently concluded three-day visit to the Kingdom, Meg Whitman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), met with key decision makers to discuss new growth opportunities to foster innovation and fulfil the nation’s Vision 2030 agenda. During the visit, Whitman met with senior officials fromRead More…

Meg Whitman, the Chairman, President and CEO of HP announced during the HP Discover 2015, at Las Vegas that the company is heading for an split and effective from November 1st the organization will have two entities, which is HP Inc and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise.Read More…