NVIDIA unveils world’s fastest GPU for notebook, GeForce GTX 580M, which sets new benchmarks in the world of gaming and computing. Currently, available only in the Alienware M18x, and is expected to be available soon in the Alienware M17x notebook along with NVIDIA Optimus technology. “The best game support. The best gaming features. The best gaming performance available anywhere. That’s the essence of the GeForce GTX 580M,” said Rene Haas, General Manager of notebook products at NVIDIA.Read More…

AMD announced the next generation in mainstream consumer computing with the availability of the new high-performance AMD Fusion A-Series accelerated processing units (APUs). Enabling truly immersive computing experiences in consumer notebooks and desktops, the AMD A-Series APUs enable brilliant HD graphics, supercomputer-like performance and over 10.5 hours of battery life. In an increasingly digital and visually-oriented world, consumers are placing ever-higher priorities on multitasking, vivid graphics, lifelike games, lag-free videos, and ultimate multimedia performance.
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