AVEVA has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Kent to mutually explore and design new frameworks for applying digital solutions across the energy industry. The partnership will allow energy customers around the world to leverage both companies’ strengths to drive their digital transformation and sustainability objectives in innovative ways.Read More…

The healthcare sector is undergoing a critical, data-driven transformation. Arthur D. Little explores emerging technology trend including issues around increased data-gathering in their latest report entitled Data-driven healthcare: Analyzing the forces driving the transformation of healthcare. The viewpoint provides insights on data-driven healthcare drivers andRead More…

Epicor Software Corporation today announced the release of its 2020 Global Growth Index, a report that explores the growth trajectory of companies around the world and provides insight into how business leaders are using technology to support and drive growth initiatives. The index looks at the constantlyRead More…

Dr. Cherif Sleiman, Senior VP International Business at Infoblox, discusses various security challenges and opportunities arising due to digital transformation, the implication of big data on security and why “security first” should be the motto of companies seeking digital transformation.Read More…