Saudi gets its first Woman Business & Tech Park

AllWomanSaudi Aramco, Princess Nourah University (PNU) and Wipro Arabia join hands to give Saudi Arabia its first all Women Business & Technology Park.

Dedicated to working women, this business park is a first of its kind project aimed at providing knowledge-based employment for women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is expected to create nearly 21,000 jobs for Saudi women over a period of ten years.

The joint venture agreement was signed today at a ceremony held at PNU, attended by H.E the Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmad Al-Issa, PNU Rector, H.E Dr. Huda Al-Ameel, Saudi Aramco President & CEO, Amin H. Nasser, and Azim Premji, Chairman of Wipro Limited.

The Women’s Business Park is envisioned to be the largest Engineering Drafting Services, Business Process Services and Information Technology hub in the region for a number of industry sectors including Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Government, Healthcare, Telecom and Construction.

The idea of the business park was conceived in September 2014 when Saudi Aramco signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PNU. Wipro joined the partnership because of its experience in managing talent and providing IT services to a multi-industry customer base. The joint venture will be responsible for developing the park’s facilities and infrastructure as well as training and employing up to 21,000 Saudi women.