Strengthening the IT Channel in the Middle East

The IT channel in the Middle East is undergoing a profound transformation. The rapid adoption of digital technologies, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and a heightened focus on cybersecurity have significantly reshaped the industry. These changes have increased the demand for managed services and enhanced collaboration between vendors, distributors, and resellers. To gain insight into this evolving landscape and to explore how partnerships can be strengthened, we reached out to key leaders in the IT distribution sector.

Fostering Collaboration in the IT Channel
As digital transformation accelerates across the region, collaboration between stakeholders in the IT ecosystem has become essential. Laurence Elbana, Director for Europe, the Middle East, and India at TRINEXIA, underscores the critical role of integrated communication platforms and training in achieving seamless collaboration. According to Elbana, these elements, along with flexible partnership models, are key to building trust and aligning vendors, distributors, and resellers.

Laurence Elbana, Director for Europe, the Middle East, and India at TRINEXIA

“Effective collaboration between vendors, distributors, and resellers can be achieved through integrated communication platforms, joint marketing and training initiatives, and flexible partnership models,” says Elbana. “These strategies foster alignment, drive mutual growth, and ensure a seamless, efficient IT channel by building trust and enabling partners to quickly adapt to market changes and customer needs.”

Jithin J Abraham, Vice President of Sales and Strategy at Spire Solutions, echoes Elbana’s sentiments and highlights the importance of a cohesive channel ecosystem. For Abraham, aligning channel strategies with customer satisfaction and experience is paramount.

“A seamless, collaborative, and cohesive channel is integral to an IT business’s success. An effective channel ecosystem could be derived by strategizing aspects such as channel partner success programs, seamless onboarding, motivation & rewards, defining objectives, goals, accountability, and growth,” he explains. By ensuring customer satisfaction, businesses can build long-term relationships that result in sustained success.

For Hesham Tantawi, Vice President at ASBIS Middle East, the key to success lies in focus. ASBIS adheres to the motto “Success Through Focus,” which emphasizes dedicated teams for each vendor or partner.

“We have dedicated teams for each vendor or partner, with a laser focus on achieving success in their specific areas of expertise,” says Tantawi. “By dedicating resources and expertise to each partner, we ensure that we can meet their needs and exceed their expectations, which in turn drives mutual growth and success.”

Hesham Tantawi, Vice President at ASBIS Middle East

The Role of Digital Transformation in IT Distribution
Digital transformation, particularly the integration of AI and cloud computing, is not only transforming industries but also reshaping IT distribution models. Companies across the region are recognizing the benefits of leveraging AI and cloud platforms to streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and offer more scalable services.

Laurence Elbana of TRINEXIA explains how these technologies are revolutionizing IT distribution. “Digital transformation, AI, and cloud computing are revolutionizing IT distribution by enhancing cybersecurity capabilities, streamlining operations, and enabling more scalable and agile solutions,” he says. “TRINEXIA and our vendors stay ahead by integrating AI-driven threat intelligence, leveraging cloud-based platforms for efficient delivery, and continuously updating our portfolio with innovative cybersecurity solutions to meet evolving customer needs and emerging threats.”

Jithin J Abraham also touches on how digital transformation and AI are reshaping business operations and interactions with customers. “Digital transformation and the integration of AI into customer IT landscapes are reshaping various aspects of business operations and customer interactions. At Spire Solutions, we have adapted our sales strategies and processes to consultatively message to the market, help customers adopt the solutions, and securely leverage the benefits of ever-evolving technology space,” he explains.

Hesham Tantawi describes ASBIS’s proactive approach to integrating AI and robotics, highlighting how the company has embraced robotics to enhance its portfolio. “The integration of robotics and AI into the IT industry represents one of the most significant technological advancements of our time, and ASBIS has been at the forefront of this movement. We have invested in a company called AROS, which is a manufacturer, system integrator, and design house for various robotics solutions. This investment has enabled us to introduce cutting-edge robotics technologies to the market in the UAE,” he notes.

Mo Mobasseri, Co-Founder & CEO of emt Distribution

AI and Cloud Computing: The Future of IT Distribution
For many IT companies, AI and cloud computing are no longer just buzzwords—they are becoming core pillars of their operational and strategic frameworks. Mo Mobasseri, Co-Founder and CEO of emt Distribution, believes that digital transformation and these emerging technologies are fundamentally reshaping the IT distribution landscape.

“Digital transformation and emerging technologies like AI and cloud computing are fundamentally reshaping the IT distribution landscape by streamlining operations, enhancing data-driven decision-making, and enabling more efficient and scalable services,” says Mobasseri. “To stay ahead of these changes, we at emt Distribution have invested in advanced technologies, upskilled our workforce, and established strategic partnerships with tech innovators.”

At AmiViz, the focus on cloud and AI is equally significant. COO Ilyas Mohammed shares how the company is adapting to these changes by launching a dedicated Cloud & AI division to meet growing customer demand.

“At AmiViz, we launched a dedicated Cloud & AI division this year to address the growing demand for advanced, scalable solutions,” he notes. “This division focuses on delivering cutting-edge cloud services and AI-driven technologies. We are proactively integrating AI-driven analytics to optimize operations and enhance customer experiences.”

Ilyas Mohammed, COO at AmiViz

Supporting Channel Partners through Education and Enablement
As new technologies reshape the IT landscape, supporting channel partners through education, training, and enablement programs is crucial. Leaders across the industry recognize that a well-prepared channel is key to successfully navigating the challenges of the digital age.

Laurence Elbana outlines TRINEXIA’s initiatives to support channel partners through comprehensive enablement programs, co-marketing and co-selling opportunities, and incentive programs. “TRINEXIA has implemented key initiatives within its channel and partner ecosystem to enhance collaboration and success. These include comprehensive partner enablement programs to build knowledge and skills, co-marketing and co-selling opportunities for joint growth, and incentive programs to reward partner performance,” he says.

Hesham Tantawi of ASBIS highlights the company’s proactive approach to market analysis and trend prediction, which helps it stay ahead of the curve. “We conduct a thorough analysis of the market and the products we offer to ensure we have a deep understanding of what we are selling. We consistently predict market developments a year in advance, allowing us to stay ahead of trends,” he notes.

Mo Mobasseri adds that emt Distribution supports its partners through specialized training, certification programs, and financial incentives. “We offer specialized training and certification programs, access to advanced tools and technologies, and support partners with co-marketing and co-selling initiatives. Additionally, we provide financial incentives, dedicated support teams, and consultative services to help partners expand their capabilities,” he says.

AmiViz’s commitment to continuous learning and partner support is also notable. “We offer comprehensive training and certification programs, technical workshops, and hands-on labs. We conduct regular partner skill-up sessions and provide ongoing training to keep our partners updated and proficient in the latest advancements,” explains Ilyas Mohammed.

Jithin J Abraham, Vice President of Sales and Strategy at Spire Solutions

Similarly, Spire Solutions places a strong emphasis on education and awareness programs. Jithin J Abraham details the company’s partner-centric approach. “At Spire, we focus on education and awareness programs, continuous research, and consultation with global and regional cybersecurity entities. We offer training for our GTM team, empower our consultation and deployment team, and provide customer success programs to help partners build and deliver customized and integrated solutions,” he explains.

Looking Ahead: The Future of the IT Channel in the Middle East
The IT channel in the Middle East is poised for continued growth and transformation. As the region embraces digital transformation, AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, the collaboration between vendors, distributors, and resellers will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of the industry. By leveraging integrated communication platforms, joint marketing initiatives, and flexible partnership models, stakeholders can enhance collaboration and ensure the IT channel remains seamless and efficient.

The insights from industry leaders emphasize the importance of continuous learning, education, and support programs to help channel partners expand their capabilities and adapt to the evolving technological landscape. With a shared focus on mutual growth, customer satisfaction, and innovation, the IT channel in the Middle East is well-positioned to thrive amidst emerging challenges and opportunities.


