AVITA Brand Of Laptops All Set To Solidify Its Position In The Region

Seemant Prakash, Head of Middle East & Africa of AVITA Technologies talks about the new range of laptops the company is planning to launch in the region in partnership with its new distributor, Rookie Ninja, as the AVITA brand of laptops solidify its position in the market.

How would you describe the market for laptops in the Middle East region?
The market for laptops in the Middle East region is dynamic and continually evolving. It has witnessed significant growth due to factors such as increasing digitization, rising demand for remote work and learning solutions, and the growing tech-savvy population. There is a diverse consumer base with varying preferences, ranging from professionals seeking high-performance devices for productivity to students and casual users looking for budget-friendly options.

Additionally, there is a rising interest in stylish and visually appealing laptops that reflect personal tastes. With the Middle East being a melting pot of cultures, aesthetics play a crucial role in customer choices. Moreover, there is an increasing focus on connectivity, portability, and long-lasting battery life, given the region’s on-the-go lifestyle.

As AVITA Technologies, we recognize these market trends and aim to meet the diverse demands of Middle Eastern consumers through our secure, innovative, stylish, and performance-driven laptops.

What kind of growth have you witnessed for the AVITA brands of laptops?
Over the past few years, AVITA Technologies has experienced remarkable growth for its brand of laptops internationally, including the Middle East and Africa region. Our focus on combining technology with fashion-forward design has resonated well with the diverse consumer base in these markets.

Positioned as a “Tech-Fashion” brand, AVITA has seen significant year-on-year growth in sales, reflecting the increasing demand for our well-differentiated laptops, especially among savvy youngsters. We have further witnessed a surge in popularity among professionals, students, and creative individuals who seek laptops that not only offer exceptional performance but also represent their personal style.

Positive customer feedback and strong brand advocacy have further fueled AVITA’s growth trajectory.

As we continue to innovate and introduce cutting-edge products and solutions, we remain committed to fostering even more substantial growth for the AVITA brand, solidifying our position as a leading laptop provider in the Middle East and Africa.

Can you please elaborate on your partnership with Rookie Ninja?
Our partnership with Rookie Ninja distributor has been instrumental in strengthening AVITA’s presence in the Middle East region. Rookie Ninja’s expertise in distribution and in-depth knowledge of the local market has complemented AVITA’s innovative laptop offerings, creating a synergistic collaboration.

Through this partnership, we have been able to expand our distribution network and reach a wider customer base. Rookie Ninja’s efficient distribution channels and logistics capabilities have enabled AVITA laptops to be more accessible to customers in the region.

Moreover, Rookie Ninja’s commitment to customer service aligns well with AVITA’s values, ensuring that our customers receive prompt support and assistance, enhancing their overall experience with our products.

We look forward to further leveraging this partnership to continue delivering innovative and stylish laptops to meet the evolving needs of our customers in the region.

Which new products are you planning to introduce in the Middle Eastern markets?
As AVITA Technologies, we are excited to introduce a range of new and innovative products to cater to the diverse needs of customers in the region.

AVITA has developed the World’s First and the most secure PC powered by Blockchain Technology through the Jasmy solution app. I can assure you that our upcoming product lineup will continue to focus on a seamless blend of technology and fashion-forward design.

We aim to introduce laptops that encompass the latest advancements in hardware and software, providing exceptional performance, reliability, and user experience. Our new products will feature powerful processors, ample RAM, upgradeability, fast storage options, vibrant displays, and enhanced connectivity to meet the demands of the region’s tech-savvy consumers.

Apart from offering a wide range of stylish color options to allow users to express their individuality, we are constantly exploring new features that will realize a more holistic, unique and personal experience. We are committed to staying at the forefront of the industry, and we look forward to unveiling these exciting new products to the Middle Eastern markets in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates!

What are your expansion plans for the region and which new countries are you looking to penetrate?
We have ambitious expansion plans to further strengthen our presence in the region. Our goal is to reach and serve more customers across various countries.

We are actively exploring opportunities to expand into new markets within the Middle East and Africa. Our focus is on targeting regions where there is a growing demand for technology products and a thriving consumer base seeking stylish and high-performance laptops.

Our expansion strategy involves forming strategic partnerships with local distributors and retailers to ensure that AVITA laptops are readily available to customers in these new markets. We aim to establish a robust distribution network that can effectively cater to the needs and preferences of diverse consumers in the region.

As we continue to grow, we are committed to bringing the AVITA brand and its innovative laptops to more countries in the Middle East and Africa, solidifying our position as a leading laptop provider in the region.

What kind of growth are you expecting in this financial year?
As the head of AVITA Technologies’ laptop business for the Middle East and Africa, I have set ambitious growth targets for the current financial year. While specific projections cannot be disclosed at this stage, I can confidently say that we are optimistic about our prospects.

Given the region’s increasing digitization, rising demand for remote work and learning solutions, and the popularity of our stylish and high-performance laptops, we anticipate significant growth in sales and market share.

Our strategic partnerships and collaborations with various channel partners have been key drivers of growth, and we expect these alliances to continue contributing to our success.

Additionally, as we continue to innovate and introduce new products tailored to the region’s preferences, we believe customer satisfaction and brand loyalty will further fuel our growth trajectory.

Overall, we are committed to achieving substantial growth in the current financial year, solidifying AVITA’s position as a leading laptop provider in the Middle East and Africa.

What message would you like to give to distributors and channel partners, especially those who would like to join your channel network?
To our esteemed distributors and channel partners, I extend a warm invitation to join AVITA Technologies’ channel network. As the head of the laptop business for the Middle East and Africa, I can assure you that partnering with AVITA offers a wealth of opportunities and mutual benefits.

AVITA is committed to innovation, style, and delivering high-performance laptops that resonate with customers. By joining our channel network, you become part of a dynamic and rapidly growing brand in the region.

We prioritize strong collaborations, offering extensive support, marketing resources, and product training to our partners. With our stylish and technologically advanced laptops, you can cater to diverse customer preferences and tap into the ever-growing demand for innovative computing solutions.

Together, we can create a successful business relationship that capitalizes on the rising demand for AVITA laptops in the Middle East and Africa. Join us in empowering customers with cutting-edge technology and fashion-forward design. Let’s embark on this exciting journey of growth and success together!

