Creating a positive impact

As we approach International Women’s Day, Miri Ofir, the R&D Director at Check Point Software Technologies talks about her journey in the world of technology

Tell us about your leadership style and philosophy.
I believe in building a winning team around an excellent product. As a leader, I think that leading by example is the most successful and authentic way to influence your team and bring about change.

What prompted you to consider a career in technology?
The impact that technology has on human life is what drove me to be part of the technology industry and also the potential to do good on a wider scale. A few years ago, we couldn’t have imagined how much digital products and services would alter our lives.

What do you think is the best part of being a woman in the tech industry?
Perhaps you are more distinctive than others, especially at senior levels. Earnestly, the tech industry supports equality and diversity in many aspects. Women have equal opportunities in this field compared to more traditional ones.

Do you feel you have had to work harder than male colleagues to advance your career?
Honestly, I never had that feeling. I put in a lot of effort to advance my career, but I believe that my male colleagues also have to work just as hard to progress. We indeed see fewer women at senior levels, and there are several reasons for that, in some cases, women don’t push themselves, and in other cases, they may be having additional priorities in life.

What motivates you every day?
Creating a positive impact in the world to make it safer and more secure, is what drives me. Cyberattacks are a real threat to organizations and individuals, and cybercriminals take advantage of our increased reliance on technology to disrupt services, cause damage and instill fear. In the war against cybercriminals, we must be incredibly innovative, efficient, and smart to succeed.

What is the best professional advice you have ever received?
Say Yes to challenges and opportunities.

What are your thoughts on the next transformation in the tech industry?
The next transformation is already happening, this is the age of AI. The AI revolution will change the way we engage with machines, and how machines interact with each other.

The employment landscape will undergo significant change. Technology has already made our daily lives easier, and AI will lead to the extinction of several professions and the emergence of new ones.

To succeed in a world that is continuously evolving, people need high adaptive skills with flexibility and creativity.

What advice would you give to women looking to break into the field of computer technology?
Just go for it and prepare yourself for a fascinating journey.

Can you offer a few tips on achieving work-life balance in today’s scenario?
Sure, you have more money than time, therefore offload or delegate any time-consuming task that anyone else can carry out for you. Take breaks as needed and concentrate on the 2-3 things that are most important for you.


