The agenda for The Blockchain Hub at Davos unveiled

CasperLabs and CV Labs has unveiled the program for The Blockchain Hub at Davos, Switzerland, taking place Jan 16 to 19, 2023. The Blockchain Hub Davos offers a multi-stakeholder venue to convene with global participants from a variety of industries, governments, and professional bodies, together with blockchain leaders.

The Blockchain Hub Davos intends to facilitate more than discourse but, action. This action will ensure collaboration for blockchain technology in rebuilding global trust. Around the world, distrust is tearing at the world’s socioeconomic fabric. From geopolitics to cryptocurrency, events have given few reasons to trust leaders and institutions. It is now incumbent upon leaders to reinstate trust and lead with determination so that there is certainty and an environment where a fractured world can rebuild. Blockchain’s role is paramount and therefore over the course, Blockchain Hub Davos will examine:

• Blockchain function in rebuilding trust, the way the world transacts, and socioeconomic balances
• Blockchain’s role in creating enhanced business and government efficiencies
• Blockchain future in creating new ways to interact and building new universes

While crypto is one of the first uses of blockchain technology, the tsunami of its broader applications are already transforming not just the world of finance but other industries and institutions, where data transparency and efficiencies are more important than ever. Blockchain Hub Davos presents the utility of blockchain technology over speculation.

The 8th edition of The CV VC Top 50 Report will launch at Blockchain Hub Davos and will show Crypto Valley as the epicenter of global blockchain endeavors and demonstrate Switzerland’s role in the evolution of the global regulatory framework environment. It features the Top 50 entities that are building in Switzerland and will show that despite global macroeconomic challenges in 2022, the fundamentals of Crypto Valleys’ strengths and its determined decentralized mindset have ensured that Crypto Valley continued to expand steadily in 2022. Crypto Valley is not just a ‘place’, but rather, a mindset. A mindset driven by a determination to transform the way the world interacts and transacts by focusing on utility over speculation.

Casper Labs will present The State of Enterprise Blockchain Adoption 2023 Report at Blockchain Hub Davos. The report presents findings from a recent survey of 603 business decision-makers in three countries: the US, the UK, and China. This report details the sentiment around blockchain and its enterprise adoption. It demonstrates that while many are confident that they fully understand blockchain and that they can explain its value to their team, more than half of the respondents (54%) still see “blockchain” and “crypto” as interchangeable terms which indicates that there are hurdles to be overcome. The report details when and how respondents would be more likely to adopt blockchain.