FORCESPOT taking niche technologies to the market

Speaking with Channel Post MEA, the Managing Partner for FORCESPOT, Pradeep Angeveetil talks about how the company has become the most sought after channel player for niche technologies in the Middle East.

How would you describe FORCESPOT and how would you evaluate your journey so far?
FORCESPOT is a specialised cybersecurity value added distributor of the choice for niche technologies. We are one of the very few players in the Middle East region that understand the dynamic and continuously changing technologies in Cyberspace that impact the threat landscape. Over the years, we have consolidated our cybersecurity portfolio as well as created a network of channel partners to service the Government, Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Education and Corporate sectors across the region.

Where do you stand currently in terms of your product portfolio and how do you conclude, which products are more suitable than others?
We started FORCESPOT with a clear motto of delivering quality than quantity, and with this belief, we have carefully crafted our portfolio. We scout for breakthrough technologies from all across the globe and represent them in the Middle East so that regional businesses can enhance their cyber security cover as well as become cyber resilient.

Today, our portfolio represents comprehensive cybersecurity solutions from leading technology vendors such as Ensurity, OPSWAT, Remediant, Sumo Logic, Morphisec, and others addressing various components of cybersecurity including Malware management, Ransomware and Memory based attacks, IT/OT security, Passwordless authentication, Healthcare security & analytics, Privilege access management, and Cloud security analytics.

Which are your key markets in the region and what are your plans to increase your footprint in the Middle East & Africa?
All the GCC countries remain our key markets, and we are working on plans to go beyond UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain in the near future.

What value do you add to your channel partners?
We work as the extended arm for our vendors and offer our partners sales and technical skills, knowledge transfer, training and expertise, so that we can support them in any eventuality. This way we have been able to add value to our offerings and strengthen our relations with our channel partners.

Lack of credit insurance, bank finance, project financing, and delayed payments are some of the challenges that the industry is groping, how do you tackle these issues and what kind of support do you lend to your partners?
Definitely we support our partners, and in such a scenario we work on a case by case basis, and engage with our partners to resolve such issues. Also, we do extend our credit lines to our partners after necessary due diligence, which helps our partners in a big way.

Last but not least, why should channel partners work with FORCESPOT and what can they expect from you going forward?
Channel partners have to wade through a lot of vendors that they do business with. It is not practical to add many more and try to focus without diluting their existing offerings. FORCESPOT offers them the flexibility of taking niche technologies to the market with their expertise on those products and ensures a steady recurring revenue .

