Finesse to focus on enabling and securing digital transformation at GITEX

In conversation with Channel Post MEA Sunil Paul, Co-Founder and MD at Finesse stated that the company will highlight several new technology solutions that help businesses chart out their digital transformation journeys

Give us a brief on Finesse.
Finesse is a secured digital transformation enabler with its headquarters in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Founded nearly a decade ago, Finesse has become one of the region’s leading Software Integrators (SI). Currently, the company serves as a leading provider of digital transformation initiatives in the GCC, assisting organizations to remain competitive as they implement digital transformation initiatives. Through its 450 employees, the company supports 350 enterprise clients in 10 different countries.

To help businesses on their digital transformation journeys, Finesse offers technological solutions that delight customers and enable sustainable long-term growth. The most widely used technology solutions include AI chatbots, BI & Analytics, Blockchain, CRM/CEM, Enterprise Content Management, Zero-Trust security models, infrastructure and cloud security, robotic process automation, intelligent process automation, and managed IT services.

To promote digital transformation while maintaining security, Finesse has recently opened its  Security Operations Center (SOC) in Dubai. Designed specifically for the region’s business clients, the state-of-the-art SOC offers them a cost-effective means of safeguarding their respective digital infrastructures. A significant benefit of the SOC would be the ability for SMEs & Enterprises in the UAE and MEA region to subscribe to digital security solutions on a pay-as-you-go basis. There are more than 30 services offered through the SOC, all of which can be paid for per usage. In this way, organizations can begin with the most essential services and gradually progress to full protection services over time.

What is your focus this GITEX and what will you be presenting at the show?
Finesse has refined the process of helping businesses chart out their digital transformation journeys over the years. Whatever the type of business, Finesse helps businesses chart the most effective path to experience the best results. As part of its commitment to helping businesses navigate digital transformations, Finesse offers technological solutions that delight customers and establish the foundation for sustainable long-term growth. Technology solutions include AI chatbots, BI and Analytics, Blockchain, CRM/CEM, Enterprise Content Management, Zero-trust modeling, infrastructure, and cloud security, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), and managed IT services.

In this year’s GITEX, Finesse will emphasize to companies the importance of investing in cybersecurity. The increased digitalization of services has increased cybersecurity incidents and threats. These data breaches undermine customers’ trust in businesses and hinder smooth operations. Alongside digital transformation initiatives, a robust cybersecurity process is essential. With these two elements combined, businesses can benefit from their digital transformation journey sooner, better, and for longer.

Who are all your partners joining you this time at GITEX?     
By establishing strategic partnerships with forward-thinking software companies, we ensure our clients get the most out of the latest technologies, that are tailored to their unique needs. This year, we have partnered with the leading cloud-based content company Hyland, the on-demand edge cloud service provider Zenlayer, and the leading HR transformation solutions provider Adrenalin HRMS and AI Chatbot vendor

What channel-specific initiatives will you be outlining during GITEX?
Finesse will be employing a two-pronged strategy that can bring the best results to an organization’s digital journey during GITEX 2022.

The first prong would be through ‘Enabling Digital Transformation. Targeted at organizations looking to enhance their digital footprint, Finesse will be showcasing state-of-the-art digital solutions like AI chatbots, BI & Analytics, Blockchain, CRM/CEM, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), and managed IT services.

The second prong will be that of ‘Securing Digital Transformation’. An important, but often overlooked part of the digital transformation journey, digital risks are very real, and have the potential to erode customer confidence, and have reputational and financial consequences for the business. Finesse will showcase how organizations can secure their business on the digital front through the use of Digital Risk & Compliance, Zero Trust, Cloud & Applications Assurance, Digital Identity, Data Protection & Privacy, and managed Security Operations.

What does your company hope to achieve at the end of the show?
As an organization, it is our sincere hope to impress upon organizations the immense benefits of digital transformation, when planned holistically, can bring to their respective businesses. We will try and achieve objectives around these through demos, case studies, and stories of successful implementations we have done for our clients. We also hope to help organizations with challenges they might have had implementing digital solutions within their businesses.

It brings us immense satisfaction, as Finesse, to stand shoulder to shoulder with organizations in the GCC and solve their problems with meaningful solutions which will eventually bring more happiness and prosperity to the region.

Where can we find you at GITEX? (booth no and hall no)
Finesse would be available in Hall 7, at Booth 7.

