WALLIX offers new unified solution, WALLIX PAM4ALL

To meet the new challenges of the digital world, WALLIX has developed a new vision, “PAM for all”, enabling it to offer its customers the promise of a secure digital transformation for all. To realize this vision, WALLIX now offers WALLIX PAM4ALL, a unified solution  that brings together all WALLIX technologies and goes beyond the protection of privileged accounts by securing, according to the principle of least privilege, all at-risk users and workstations in an organization.

The need to secure access to data has never been greater and it is essential for organizations to secure their IT access and not only the most sensitive accounts (privileged accounts). WALLIX PAM4ALL is a unified solution combining all WALLIX technologies, which goes beyond securing privileged accounts and protects, according to the principle of least privilege, user access, and workstations, to avoid contamination by malware or ransomware. At some point in their daily functions, all users need privileges to access certain digital resources in the organization. The challenge is to provide access at the right time, at the right privilege level, to perform the expected task, regardless of where the user is located, whether inside or outside the company.

WALLIX PAM4ALL also provides full visibility over all users – from employees, suppliers, partners, or machines – and their network, observing all endpoints, sessions, and strategic assets.

To do this, WALLIX PAM4ALL combines WALLIX technologies in one single solution:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): To neutralize the risks associated with compromised credentials
  • Remote Access Management: To enable remote access for vendors, employees, or third-party maintainers
  • Session Management: To monitor, track, and audit sessions
  • Password management: To secure and rotate passwords and keys, and remove hard passwords
  • Least privilege management: To grant the right access rights to the right user at the right time, thus stopping the spread of malware by blocking lateral and vertical movement in the network.

“WALLIX PAM4ALL is the promise of a secure digital transformation for all organizations, in a rapidly changing digital context. With PAM4ALL, our customers have the means to quickly implement a Zero-Trust architecture thanks to strong user authentication, access control adapted to each user (human or machine), at the right time (Just-In-Time), and integrate traceability in the IS. It is also the possibility to have a dynamic view of the activity on your network and to protect yourself from advanced threats, particularly malware.” explains Edwige Brossard, Product & Marketing Director at WALLIX.

“WALLIX PAM4ALL is scalable to meet the many challenges of our customers, such as the security of user accounts, keys, and certificates required for automation and DevOps practices. We offer the ability to secure DevOps environments regardless of the type of automation platform used, without exposing credentials. Our offer allows maintaining the agility expected by the development teams while allowing IT administrators to enforce the company’s access control policies, with the required privilege levels. PAM4ALL is finally an efficient and simple way to apply best practices for password rotation, without fear of process disruption,” Brossard adds.

