Huawei Consumer BG enters the enterprise market officially

Huawei Consumer BG will now enter the enterprise market officially, serving government and enterprise customers, as well as individual consumers. The announcement was made by Richard Yu, Huawei’s Executive Director, Consumer BG CEO and Intelligent Automotive Solution BU CEO, at the Huawei Business Product Launch Event. Mr. Yu noted that Huawei would use its hardware and software ecosystems as dual pillars, to support a growing range of versatile office products that work seamlessly with a wide range of smart devices, including laptops, desktops, monitors, tablets, accessories, Visions, and wearables. These new office solutions will address the following key domains: government, education, health care, manufacturing, transportation, finance, and energy.

Rollout of comprehensive enterprise-centric products

Smart workplaces and equipment have begun to replace traditional office products, which tended to boast impressive specs and control costs at the expense of versatility and user experience. Huawei Consumer BG hopes to endow office and business products with newly smart and innovative capabilities, using its success in the consumer domain as a springboard for new-paradigm solutions. Huawei business products will meet customer requirements for performance and cost-effectiveness, while doubling down on a better and smarter user experience, based on next-level digital technology.

As Mr. Yu explained at the launch event: “Our consumer-oriented products have drawn widespread acclaim over the past decade, due largely to their groundbreaking user experience. Huawei will incorporate this premium consumer experience into its business products, following three key principles: quality, intelligence, and reliability.”

Huawei has launched a full set of business products, solutions, and service platforms, including MateBook B series for laptops, MateStation B series for desktops, Display B series for monitors, MatePad C series for tablets, B series for printers, B series for Visions, and B series for wearables, which make this vision access to a wide range of customers.

Huawei Consumer BG has unveiled a number of business solutions tailored to governments and small-, medium-, and large-sized enterprises, including paperless government office, smart classroom, computer classroom, health and safety management for miners, health management for drivers, and insurance interaction. The next phase will see Huawei Consumer BG invest more organizational resources in the business field, to help governments and large-scale enterprises fully digitalize their operations, and help small- and medium-sized enterprises to improve quality and efficiency across the board.

Huawei Consumer BG will always adhere to its three key principles when developing business products, and building open, secure, and reliable software and hardware ecosystem capabilities to facilitate full digitalization for governments and large-scale enterprises. One-stop office solutions for small- and medium-sized enterprises, will be built on Consumer BG’s accumulated smart office and cloud service prowess. Smart office features like Super Device and Mobile App Engine, allow for seamless multi-device and cross-ecosystem collaboration, while Huawei Mobile Cloud makes data transfers truly effortless, taking work efficiency to new heights.

Seven business product series, with custom industry-specific solutions

Huawei Consumer BG has launched seven major business product series for: laptops, desktops, monitors, tablets, printers, Visions, and wearables. These differentiated capabilities address diverse industry scenarios and customer needs.

Stringent standards, data security, and multi-layer safeguards

Huawei provides customers with robust support in terms of product test standards, data security solutions, and full-lifecycle services, in order to meet the stricter needs of government and enterprise customers.

