The OIC-CERT 5G Security WG announces the completion of the core OIC-CERT 5G Security Framework

In a significant milestone, the OIC-CERT 5G Security Working Group (WG) has announced the completion of the core OIC-CERT 5G Security Framework in less than eight months after the initiative was launched. The Framework, now in the hands of the OIC-CERT, consists of a 5G security risk repository, a 5G security baseline technical specification, and a cross-recognition assurance methodology.

The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation- Computer Emergency Response Team (OIC-CERT) is a platform for information sharing and developing cybersecurity capabilities for the members mainly among the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) community. It is an Affiliate Institution of the OIC. The OIC-CERT 5G Security WG is jointly led by Cybersecurity Malaysia, the OIC-CERT permanent secretariat, and Huawei UAE, an OIC-CERT commercial member.

Eng. Badar Ali Al-Salehi, the Chairman of the OIC-CERT said, “It has been eluded on many platforms and occasions that the only way to solve the ever increasing cybersecurity challenge is through collaboration. The OIC-CERT 5G Security working group affirms this viewpoint and we are seeing remarkable progress in addressing some of the security concerns around 5G in general.” Meanwhile, Ts Dato Dr Amiruddin Abdul Wahab, CEO of CyberSecurity Malaysia, is in the opinion that, “5G is another disruptive technology that all parties have no choice but to embrace it. The OIC-CERT has overcome a major hurdle by defining the requirements in this framework for the OIC community and could not have come at a more opportune time as 5G matures worldwide”.