AMD receives ALICE Industry Award 2021

AMD announced that it was awarded the ALICE Industry Award 2021 by CERN, in recognition of its commitment to the design and production of the ALICE Online & Offline Event Processing Nodes (EPN), powered by AMD EPYC processors and AMD Instinct accelerators.

More than 1,500 scientists from 151 institutes across 37 countries are working together to study present-day matter and matter that was present in the first microseconds after the Big Bang, by using the ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) detector.

To analyze the data stream of 600 Gigabytes per second generated by the ALICE detector, AMD and the developers of ALICE installed and commissioned the EPN software, a high-performance computer farm featuring eight AMD Instinct accelerators and two 32-core AMD EPYC processors.

Given the dedication of the AMD engineers who helped to develop and set up the complex reconstruction software, the ALICE collaboration recognized the support and celebrated the successful installation with the industry award.

Last year AMD and CERN have announced a new case study revealing that CERN deployed AMD 2nd Gen EPYC processors to help collect huge throughput of data from the detectors on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – where the raw collision data arrives at the enormous rate of 40TB every second.

