DaaS provides low cost virtual workspaces that are secure and easy to set up

As workforces leave the confines of the office to work remotely, it’s more important than ever for organisations to support their employees with the tools and information they need to get their jobs done. Setting up individual machines for remote workers, however, can be costly and create corporate security risks.

Fortunately, desktops as a service (DaaS) can help businesses provide their employees with virtual workspaces that are secure and easy to set up. What’s more, relatively low costs from leading DaaS providers like Citrix can save organisations from large and unwelcome expenses.

DaaS Cost Benefits

DaaS leverages the flexibility of the cloud to help organisations save time and money while building out their IT infrastructure to support remote workforces. Here are the top cost-related use cases that make DaaS an appealing solution for organisations embracing IT modernisation:

• Reduces Hardware Costs: A company’s infrastructure is likely already built on a combination of an on-premises data center and the cloud (roughly 87 percent of organisations utilise a combination of on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure). With DaaS, organization can optimise the resources they already have and harness even more of the cloud to build up the organisation’s digital infrastructure, potentially reducing hardware capital expenditure by 56 percent annually.

• Streamlines Software Updates: Updating software and operating systems on countless PCs can be a big time and resource drain on IT departments, and it can also be extremely costly. With DaaS, a cloud service provider handles all updates and maintenance, saving organizations time and IT resources.

• Improves employee efficiency: Inaccessible information and issues with end-user devices hinder employees from timely completion of work. A reliable DaaS connection gives employees constant access to the information and tools they need to get work done, increasing employee efficiency by about 5 percent.

• Improves IT efficiency: DaaS helps significantly reduce IT costs, increasing IT efficiency by around 10 percent. It takes about eight hours to set up a PC and software for new employees. DaaS provides pooled software resources in one location, simplifying setup so that it is not nearly as time intensive. Also, DaaS reliability and ease of use reduces help-desk calls by about 33 percent, and cuts remaining call times in half.

• Enhances security: With sensitive information kept on vulnerable endpoint devices, the organisation’s revenue could be at risk. As recent as two years ago, 44 percent of IT decision makers stated their revenue was at risk based on the number of employees requiring access to company data and the procedures and security tools at that time. DaaS services reduce that revenue risk by ensuring that data is secure and accessible to authorised users. Additionally, a DaaS service provider ensures all security patches are constantly kept up to date.

When deciding whether to deploy a DaaS solution, CIOs should factor in return on investment (ROI) to determine if the expected costs are justified for their organization.

