Huawei holds its online Industrial Digital Transformation Conference

Huawei recently held its online Industrial Digital Transformation Conference, themed “New Value Together”. Nearly 50 customers and partners from more than 10 countries and regions shared their industrial practices and jointly explored the new value of digital transformation in the post-pandemic era.

Ken Hu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman

In particular, Huawei has shared insights on digital transformation, and introduced business strategies, talent programs, and ecosystems that support it. The company has also detailed practices that the business has carried out over recent years in the government, education, transportation, finance, and energy sectors, among others.

In his speech, Mr. Ken Hu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman, pointed out that digital transformation is speeding up across industries, and full cloud adoption will happen 1 to 3 years earlier than expected. Going digital is no longer just for internet companies. It’s expanding to traditional industries, and from the office to the production floor.

So far, Huawei has built 13 Open Labs around the world to support joint innovation. In places like Munich and Dubai, the company is working with almost 900 ecosystem partners to incubate different solutions for industrial scenarios. To date, it has successfully verified more than 60 solutions in areas ranging from smart retail to smart manufacturing. On the technology side, Huawei is innovating in areas like smart campuses, deterministic networks, hyper-integrated data centers, smart clouds, and green energy to lay the foundation for an intelligent future.

A Value-Driven Model for Industrial Digitalization

Huawei maintains that digital transformation should be focused on actual business use and scenarios, which can then be used to create value for customers through continuous improvement.

Huawei will be more open and continue to work with its 30,000 global partners to complement each other’s strengths and help overcome new challenges.

Huawei also highlighted how it is working to lay a foundation for building an intelligent world by providing intelligent upgrades for governments and enterprises. In particular, the company showcased how its Intelligent Twins architecture is enabling new solutions and practices in highly-efficient campuses, intelligent cloud, green power, hyper-converged data centers, and time-delay determined network solutions.

The conference was also the first time that Huawei has proposed optical slicing as the cornerstone of the next-generation optical transport network. Huawei’s Liquid OTN-based optical slicing seeks to guarantee a deterministic service experience and support the long-term evolution of industrial transformation, especially in power grid and transportation industries.

