Huawei announces OlympusMons Award 2021

At the 2020 Global Storage Professors Forum, Huawei announced the OlympusMons Award 2021 and invited global scientists to tackle the two most difficult problems in data storage. Over one hundred storage experts from Huawei, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and top universities and research institutes home and abroad witnessed the announcement.

William Xu, member of Huawei’s Board of Directors and director of Huawei’s Institute of Strategic Research

William Xu, member of Huawei’s Board of Directors and director of Huawei’s Institute of Strategic Research, opened the forum with a speech titled “Mounting the Olympus Mons and Tackling Data Challenges.” He said, “Innovation is in Huawei’s blood. We strive to excel, to lead, to innovate, and to put in life scientists’ research outcomes. By working to overcome prominent challenges and commercialize scientific achievements, Huawei and researchers learn from each other and grow together.”

Compared to last year’s OlympusMons Award, which focused on self-driven full-lifecycle data governance and data storage with ultimate per-bit effectiveness, Huawei attaches greater importance to the lasting ties between the industry, universities, and research institutes this year, hoping to promote the sustained development of the digital economy through the establishment of a global top-level technology community.

The OlympusMons Award 2021 encourages scientists around the world to tackle the challenge of building a storage system with ultimate cost-efficiency and making breakthroughs in next-generation root storage technologies. In providing such an award, Huawei hopes to work with researchers to build a better data storage system in terms of cloud-oriented, multi-cloud storage services, data-centric, new data application storage systems, AI-driven storage software architecture, and ground-breaking system architecture.

The OlympusMons Award is intended to direct base theoretical researches and facilitate the industrial application of research achievements, thus promoting win-win outcomes for the industry, universities, and research institutes. It will help the world tap into the benefits of digital technologies and industries transform toward an intelligent future.

