Canon Middle East announces new strategic partnerships

Canon Middle East (CME) has reaffirmed its commitment to its Middle Eastern operations and confirmed four new partners spanning the UAE, Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait, in the wake of easing COVID-19 restrictions. The new partnerships are in line with CME’s plans to continue to invest and strengthen operations across the Middle East region.

Anurag Agrawal, Managing Director, Canon Middle East and Turkey.

These newly signed partnerships signify the 6th partner in UAE, the eighth in Iraq, third in Jordan and fifth in Kuwait and a total of six new partnerships since the beginning of 2020.

“As we enter the COVID-19 recovery stage, it is our responsibly to rebuild ties and come together as an industry, to reinvigorate the economy. Our determination to ensure business continuity during the pandemic, coupled with a commitment to reimagining our business, has allowed us to adapt to new ways of working, to best serve our customers. We are confident that with the new strategic partnerships and the expertise to cater to emerging trends like WFH, we are well equipped to not only meet but also exceed customer expectations,” said Anurag Agrawal, Managing Director, Canon Middle East and Turkey.

