Epson supports education innovation in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is embracing education technology innovation in the ‘new normal,’ enabling the changing role of the teacher, creative collaboration, and social distancing in the classroom.  Epson technology is helping to support this shift, and the global technology brand will be at the Saudi Education Technology Summit 2020, running from 10-11 November 2020.

Jason McMillan, Sales Director at Epson Middle East

Children across Saudi Arabia are being educated via adapted lesson plans and leveraging existing platforms in new ways, which may better equip them for their working futures.

A previous study run by Epson asked experts about the expected changes ahead for the future of the education sector. At that time, 78% of those experts and peers that Epson spoke to, believed that technology would challenge the traditional way of doing things in education.

While the research was not related to COVID-19 when it was conducted, many of the respondents’ predictions about the impact of technology on education have come to fruition having been sped up by the impact of the pandemic. This is a time of massive transformation, driven by necessity, leveraging available solutions. It’s likely many educational establishments will identify opportunities for positive change as we emerge from the current crisis.

Educational technologies that can deliver positive change both in classrooms and remotely include interactive display solutions, education document cameras, and business inkjet printers.

“This is a time of massive transformation in education in Saudi Arabia, with Saudi Vision 2030 providing the roadmap for educational innovation,” said Jason McMillan, sales director, Epson Middle East. “The Saudi Education Technology Summit is an ideal platform for educational establishments to understand how the latest technologies can support social distancing in classrooms, drive interactive learning and collaboration, and save printing time and costs.”

During the virtual event, Jason McMillan will present on “Re-shaping the Future of Education with Epson” on Tuesday, 10 November at 12:20 pm. Epson is the event’s Platinum Partner.

For more information and to register for the event, visit:

