Rob Beswick appointed as the new Managing Director for Virgin Mobile UAE

Virgin Mobile UAE has announced the appointment of Rob Beswick as the new Managing Director. Rob’s vision for Virgin Mobile UAE is to build on Virgin Mobile UAE’s position as the customer champion by creating a benchmark digital model for the mobile industry. By embracing next-generation technology, such as 5G, he is committed to leading the brand forward ensuring that it offers the most innovative, simplest and best digital lifestyle experience for customers in the market.

Rob Beswick , new Managing Director, Virgin Mobile UAE

Rob’s appointment builds on nine successful years in the region with Virgin Mobile, most recently as Commercial Director of the UAE business, where he shaped the innovation, marketing and growth strategies of the UAE’s award-winning digital mobile brand.

Rob succeeds Karim Benkirane, who moves to head up a new project at du as the Executive Vice President of Business Transformation, tasked with driving the digital transformation of the UAE telco.

“At Virgin Mobile, we are focused on using digital as a platform to improve the mobile experience for the customer – we are committed to giving our customers an all-around amazing mobile experience at every touchpoint. We have built a unique digital proposition in the UAE, and what excites us is that as customer digital adoption grows, we now have a platform that we can use to develop and create better digital products and lifestyle services. I am delighted to be taking the reins of a fantastic brand and to guide such an amazing team into a new digital era. Our future is an exciting one and we will continue to innovate and enhance our offerings in ways that will enrich and simplify our customers’ life. Of course, all of this has been made possible through the incredible leadership shown by my predecessor Karim Benkirane over the past three years and I would like to take the opportunity to thank him.” commented Rob.

