ITR Technology expands its footprint into Africa

ITR Technology, the sole distributor of ManageEngine software in South Africa announced its move to expand its footprint into Africa by entering into Namibia and Mozambique. To speerhead the new move, the company has recently appointed Christiaan PJ De Waal as the business development manager for Africa and have put its strategies in place to capture both the new markets.

ITR Technology aims to increase the ManageEngine skills level on the continent through its certified ManageEngine training programme, based in Centurion. The company is also committed to transferring skills to its partners and end users in Namibia and Mozambique.

De Waal and Philip Slimowitz, the CEO of ITR Technology, recently met with Veiccoh Nghiwete, the High Commissioner of Namibia, regarding doing business in that country. “At the meeting we introduced ITR Technology and our intention to work with local partners in Namibia. The High Commissioner signalled his approval for us to do business in Namibia and develop skills in the market. We are excited about the journey ahead.” says De Waal.