Fero launches world’s first AI-powered voice agent

Fero has launched TiA, the world’s first AI assisted voice agent in the freight and logistics industry. At a press conference held on the sidelines of the ongoing AI Everything Summit, company officials said TiA, the ‘intelligent’ assistant, would leverage the use of Ai to achieve superhuman results in the freight universe.

Consecutively, TiA aims to solve two major problems in the logistics sector – one, the ability to translate diverse human speeches and dialects to text via machine translation and two, the understanding of context and action behind the interaction through text summarization and information extraction. In short, TiA helps simplify a multitude of communications by translating the transaction into a call-to-action.

“We are thrilled to be launching this technology in the UAE- host of the world’s first Ministry of Ai, it is definitely a cultivating environment for advanced technological innovation. Showcasing “the world’s first” in our space, by taking form in Dubai and beginning the journey of placing UAE on the global map of innovation in Ai,” said Abhinav Chaudhary, CEO of Fero Logistics.

TiA is an NLP Agent available in its proprietary form on various platforms such as Google Assistant, Alexa, WhatsApp and Facebook – a technological tool to enhance user transactions and coordination in any given freight transaction. It is an innovation aimed at making manual human coordination an obsolete process.

The interface combines all the above to generate highly accurate demand and supply forecasts based on internal and external factors that influence a transaction (e.g. public holidays, industrial seasonality, customer-specific shipments fluctuations, etc.), on basis of which the most optimal plan for linehaul network, assets movements and warehouse workflows can be determined weeks in advance, translating into direct linehaul savings and increased process efficiencies.

The launch of TiA coincides with Fero’s aims to spearhead technological transformation by shaping the future of digital freight with the use of revolutionary automation systems such as narrow Ai, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision and NLP, to eliminate the need for human interaction in the logistics sector worldwide.

Fero officials said they chose Dubai for the launch of TiA, since Dubai possessed two major advantages: One, it had one of the world’s ten busiest ports and two, the Multimode Corridor for JAFZA and Dubai South had a lot of potential waiting to be explored. “This made Dubai the natural choice,” Chaudhary said.

Ethically, TiA poses no threat to the human workforce, since it is a robotics software and does not perform control actions. “So it does not replace human beings, only works with them side by side, helping them solve difficult issues,” an official said.

