Dubai Computer Group making it happen

The Dubai Computer Group continues its theme of building capability within the IT industry and has organized a 2-day workshop titled “Business Leadership Conclave titled “Make It Happen – Make It Matter”. Event is sponsored by TOSHIBA as Platinum Sponsor and AOC, ASBIS, Supermicro & XFX as Gold Sponsors.

Dharmendra Sawlani with his DCG team announcing the conclave at an Press Meet

This event has been put together to help business owners and their frontline staff overcome the challenges facing the industry by reframing their organizational outlook and approach with the help and training of our experts Simerjeet Singh and Reg Athwal.

Simerjeet Singh is a professional speaker with high command over Sales motivation techniques, Leadership Excellence, adaptability, achieving your highest potential and bouncing back after setbacks.

On 29th Sep 2018 Simerjeet will be conducting an interactive workshop for 300 customer facing employees of member companies to help them boost their sales techniques, improve skills & Communication & build confidence. Simerjeet is engaged with well-known institutions like IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Lucknow.

Conclave’s sponsors at the Press Meet

On 30th Sep 2018, Reg Athwal will be conducting a full day workshop for a select group of 60-member company Owners / CEOs. Reg is a strategic advisor to some of the world’s most influential CEOs and a world-renowned professional speaker. He has a track record of himself building several high growth companies. He will be conducting a management workshop schedule to impart skills of building alliances and networks, expanding boundaries in business, Fine-tuning entrepreneurial legacy and next generation development.

“This is one of our biggest training events organized to date with world class speakers and is hopefully the first of many more to follow.” Says Dharmendra Sawlani, President of DCG. He continues, “Workshops like these will help the local businesses begin to change their business paradigms and hopefully help the industry thrive in an era of several macro-economic and industry shifts”

