Making the best of opportunities and challenges

Channel Post speaks with Sonali Basu Roy, Marketing Manager at Bulwark Technologies on how the IT industry is transforming and her journey as a marketing professional in this rapidly evolving industry.

Tell us about your leadership style and philosophy.

To me the best way to lead is where there’s freedom of thought across all levels of hierarchy, and equal opportunity for all employees to voice their ideas and collaborate on various platforms. This results in a well-balanced and cordial environment, making it a great place to work. What then emerges is a happy team which is highly productive with a can-do attitude towards everything, that can take you a long way, not just with peers at workplace but throughout your life. Start the day in an optimistic manner; end it with one, and make the best of whatever opportunities come your way.

What made you choose IT as a career opportunity?

When I was in the crossroads of choosing a sound career, I was highly fascinated and impressed to see how an ordinary product transforms into an extraordinary brand with the assistance of the creative engine of ‘Marketing’. This highly inspired me to be a catalyst in the formation of large brands and pursue my dreams of becoming a successful marketer in the IT segment. The growth opportunities are enormous and so are the challenges associated as you successfully climb the corporate ladder.

Which unique characteristics are essential for success in the industry for a marketing professional?

Marketing is a very important function in any organization. As a competent Marketing Manager, you should be visionary and creative with a constant thirst for knowledge to adapt and keep yourself updated to the rapidly changing and highly demanding & challenging IT industry. Being updated on industry trends and flexible towards learning and change are essential for success.

What was your most interesting job?

I would say, what I find most interesting is the journey I have had over the last 7 years. I faced unique opportunities in the form of either creating brand awareness of a new Security Technology player in the regional market or helped create brand equity of an organization as a Thought Leader in cyber security. For attaining both these objectives in totally separate scenarios, I have successfully devised marketing programs having a measurable mix of direct channels (events/webinars), indirect channels (website/blogs/Magazines/Interviews) and digital medium (social media/EDM). Amidst an aggressive timeline, I have collaborated with various partners like marketing agency, media houses, PR agencies, printers etc. A planned approach towards the key objectives of the program, optimum utilization of resources and budget I had for disposal, the marketing mix and the market which we wanted to address, helped me very quickly achieve the desired results of the Marketing campaigns for the organization and channel community.

What advice would you give to women looking to break into the field of computer technology?

They should believe in their capabilities, be quick learners and acquire different skills. Market trends as well as the general outlook is changing and there is plenty of opportunity for those who are dedicated and motivated.

What is the greatest transformation in technology you’ve witnessed in your career?

Technology has undertaken tremendous transformation in the field of marketing. Few years ago, people browsed one or two websites for a product, and decided based on that information. Today, the information available is almost endless. With limitless data online, customer reviews, and countless vendors to purchase from, the purchasing power & mode of purchase are in the customer’s hands. Customers can even gather most of the information before ever speaking with a company’s marketing team.

What are your thoughts on the next transformation in the tech industry?

The relentless use of social media, cloud, mobility and the growing interest in artificial intelligence can cause the next transformation in the tech industry. Social media marketing is one of the most powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. Our customers are already interacting with brands in small but constant and highly effective social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest. Marketing on social media can bring remarkable success and transformation to your business, creating devoted brand advocates and eventually driving leads and sales, which has a direct impact on the Brand’s top line and revenue.

Are you involved in any sort of volunteer work? Can you give us some details?

I have undertaken few volunteering tasks, like Walks of Hope, Mercy & for Breast Cancer Awareness along with other charitable activities. I am eagerly looking forward to participation in more such activities for better and continued service to the community.

What’s next for you in terms of your career in the tech industry?

Continue delivering my best in my current role and at all times. Stay agile and up-to-date on industry trends with a constant thirst towards knowledge.

