Microsoft named DMSA leader

Gartner has identified Microsoft as a market leader in its Magic Quadrant for Data Management Solutions for Analytics (DMSA). The company’s placement was accredited to its “ability to execute” and its “completeness of vision”.

“It is Microsoft’s mission to help every individual and organisation on the planet to achieve more through digital transformation – to engage customers, empower employees, optimise operations, and transform products and services,” said Necip Ozyucel, Cloud & Enterprise Business Solutions Lead, Microsoft. “In providing customers with data management solutions for analytics, we help them realise the full potential of their data and give them the power to revolutionise their customer relationships.”

DMSA is defined by Gartner as a system for storing, accessing, processing and delivering data for analytics. In line with the evolving nature of data science, Microsoft has implemented its own data platform evolution through SQL Server 2016 and the Cortana Intelligence Suite, to make big data processing and analytics simpler and more accessible, so that organisations can transform data into intelligent action. SQL Server includes a data warehouse appliance (Analytics Platform System), along with Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure HDInsight (a Hadoop distribution based on Hortonworks) and Azure Data Lake as cloud services. All these offerings demonstrate a deep understanding of the needs of enterprise – to understand their data troves and make intelligent, practical use of them.

Microsoft’s offerings cover a great many use cases, and continue to address cloud partnerships by offering a wide variety of options running on Microsoft Azure. The company is also working tirelessly on the expansion of its access capabilities to other sources, including Amazon S3, by leveraging its Metanautix big data technology.

