Leading British data classification and secure messaging solution provider, Boldon James announced the appointment of StarLink as its new Value-Added Distributor to market market Classifier Foundation Suite data classification product range all across the African continent and also in Turkey.

Boldon James Classifier empowers users to assign a value to data that they create and handle, in the form of a visual and metadata classification label. Classifier can then prevent sensitive data from being distributed in error whilst enforcing security policy and best practice across the organisation. The new partnership with StarLink will foster growth of the Boldon James brand and Classifier product range in Turkey and Africa.
Nidal Othman, Managing Director at StarLink said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Boldon James as our exclusive data classification vendor in Turkey and Africa. Their offering in terms of product, as well as, the excellence of their technical and customer support, is simply leaps and bounds above the other offerings available on the market, and one we are proud to be able to present to our network”.

“In the growing Middle East, Turkey and Africa markets, it’s vital that businesses adopt global best practice around data protection. Boldon James Classifier is a simple and cost-effective way to protect sensitive data, and works with a wide range of best-of-breed security and data management tools to protect organisations. We are delighted that Starlink selected Boldon James as their exclusive data classification vendor, who will help drive awareness across the region. This is another exciting strategic partnership for Boldon James and demonstrates our commitment to supporting our customers and channel partners in the META region” said Martin Sugden, Managing Director at Boldon James.