Symantec to Intro Secure One Integrated Partner Program

Symantec is announcing that as part of its company integration, it is bringing two separate partner programs into one rock-solid program.

These programs are designed to give partners more opportunity for growth and profitability.

Symantec Secure One

“This spring, Symantec Secure One, will be even easier to navigate based on two competences – Core Security and Enterprise Security – for our combined enterprise portfolio. Partners will have a huge opportunity to cross-sell and up-sell, providing our mutual customers with leading solutions to solve the world’s biggest cyber security problems,” said the company in a statement.

Other key initiatives include transitioning Opportunity Registration to a front-end discount only, which ensures that the financials of doing business with Symantec will be more predictable moving forward. The company is also creating new opportunities to earn with a Platinum Performance Rebate, Renewal Incumbency, and by enabling partners to submit an unlimited number of activity proposals for Symantec Partner Development Funds.

The company will have more details to share in the upcoming months. In the meantime, anyone interested in learning more about the program can visit “With a $30 billion dollar opportunity in cyber security, we will see massive growth potential in our industry this year. We’re excited about this new era for our company, our partnership and our program, and we look forward to defining the future of cyber security, together,” said the company.



