Gemalto Wins Privacy Design Award

GemaltoGemalto has won the ACT Canada IVIE Award in the “Privacy by Design” category for its ID Verification solution.

As banks and mobile operators look to provide more convenient services through digital and self-service channels, the need to validate a customer’s identification becomes even more necessary. Gemalto’s ID Verification enables this new convenience while maintaining security by allowing customers to scan their picture ID remotely on their device.

The service helps to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations by providing a consistent, seamless and integrated way to verify ID documents, such as drivers licenses or passports, across customer service channels – online, face-to-face, ATM or mobile app. Gemalto’s technology validates legitimate IDs, flags counterfeits, and provides a trust score in real time regardless of the point of interaction.

In a face-to-face scenario, for example, to open a bank or mobile phone account, a representative will use a tablet to scan the customer’s ID, which the system verifies against a database of document templates from 180 countries for visual integrity, data consistency, and ID security features.

In a self-service scenario, customers first scan their driver’s license or ID and then take a selfie. The system uses facial biometrics to verify that the picture on the card matches the selfie, and if so, can automatically fill out the name, address and other fields in the bank’s online forms.

“This solution is being deployed commercially in response to global AML and KYC regulatory compliance needs,” said Eric Claudel, President Middle East and Africa at Gemalto. “Banks and MNOs now have access to the same level of document verification technology governments around the world have been using, that we adapted to work across all customer channels, face-to-face, ATM, mobile or online.”

The award was presented by Dr. Ann Cavoukian, former Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario and now Executive Director of the Privacy and Big Data Institute – Where Big Data meets Big Privacy at Ryerson University.

