IBM opens its second Innovation Center in Dubai

IBMIBM has announced that in lieu of its further expansion of its operations in the Middle East and Pakistan, it has decided to open up its second Industry and Innovation Center, in Dubai. This center will foster innovation in the region by providing an enhanced customer experience, connecting clients with high technical skills and expertise. This center will further offer its clients access to advanced technologies in cloud and cognitive and to IBM’s research centers.

The new Dubai based IBM Innovation Center will be connected to the Abu Dhabi infrastructure and will focus on solutions for key industries such as Government, Travel & Transportation, Oil & Gas, Telco, HealthCare, Banking and Retail. IBM will put to use its expertise in latest cognitive, big data, analytics and cloud-based technologies to address its client’s challenges. Demos will include Watson IoT, Cloud, Security, Analytics and Social.

The center which is connected to a full configuration of Hybrid Cloud infrastructure based in Abu Dhabi center will showcase IBM’s Cloud Orchestrator capabilities that will enhance the capabilities of its customers with advanced cloud capabilities and for building dynamic service delivery models.

“At the Dubai Industry and Innovation Center we have created an environment in which we put our clients first, “said Amr Refaat, IBM General Manager, Middle East and Pakistan.” Innovation is the key driver for growth in the Middle East and Pakistan, and we are connecting our customers with the latest technologies. They arrive with business challenges and leave with solutions”.

