DarkMatter to offer PKI certification

Scott Rea the new Senior Vice President, Public Key Infrastructure at DarkMatter
Scott Rea the new Senior Vice President, Public Key Infrastructure at DarkMatter
DarkMatter announced the appointment of Scott Rea as Senior Vice President for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), where he will lead the company’s efforts to elevate Identity Management in the UAE and GCC region by establishing domestic Root Certification Authority services.

Scott will also be responsible for the support rendered by DarkMatter to governments and industry clients in the implementation and improvement of Managed Public Key Infrastructure (MPKI) projects.

Scott, a native Australian and Certified Information Systems Security Professional, holds an MS in Computer Science from Queensland University of Technology and degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science.

With 20 + years of PKI experience across multiple continents, Scott joins DarkMatter most recently from DigiCert, a US-based Certificate Authority (CA) where he was Senior PKI Architect and Vice President of Government and Education Relations. There he led a team that provided both policy and technology subject matter expertise in the design and architecture of emerging PKI systems, and helped maintain the international trust and recognition of a global commercial CA. As a Vice President of the DigiCert executive management team, Scott engaged in strategic planning and forecasting for the company, and managed relationships with key industry partners.

