TechAccess trains its partners on Cloud

TechAccessTechAccess in collaboration with Oracle held its first cloud training session, ‘Database As A Service and Enterprise Management 12C’ that was attended by 20 sales and pre-sales staff of five new partners at TechAccess’ Oracle Authorised Solutions Center.

“The interest and the adoption of Cloud computing is on an upward trajectory in the Middle East. Organisations are moving core applications to the cloud after realising its many cost, scalability and productivity benefits,” said Mohamed Naim, Business Development Manager – GCC, at TechAccess.

“Cloud computing has the potential to transform the way companies function, and it is already having a measured impact on the regional IT industry. Enablement and education is instrumental in disseminating the benefits of cloud to partners, so that they can in-turn effectively address customer requirements.” said Naim.

The workshop gave partners hands-on experience with the critical elements of a private cloud such as planning, deployment, monitoring and engagement. Partners were also introduced to the concept of defining and publishing of standardised templates for database services, managing the database lifecycle when consolidating to the cloud, and scaling resources for better cloud management.

“At TechAccess we fully understand and believe in the benefit of the Cloud, in terms of what it can do for organisations, and the possibilities it opens up for our partners. For 2016, our goal is to push Cloud consistently by hosting regular sessions and workshops that engage and energise our partners,” concluded Naim.

