Yardi unveils its new data centre in Dubai

Yardi_logoYardi, a leading provider of design, development and support of software for real estate investment management and property management, has opened a new data centre in Dubai, UAE, to meet the rapidly growing demand for data security and infrastructure needs for ts customers in the region.

The Dubai data centre is the latest addition to the company’s network of more than 10 centres across globe. Together they form the Yardi Cloud, a secure, scalable and cost-effective software provisioning and data management solution that relieves clients of IT infrastructure, support services and security responsibilities.

“The client base in the Middle East has grown rapidly over the last four years and, with more and more organisations adopting cloud-based platforms, that demand continues to increase. Our Middle East operation has grown substantially in a relatively short period of time, and the Dubai data centre is the latest step in a strategy that continues to demonstrate commitment by investing further in the region. The Dubai data centre will provide our growing Middle East client base access to the Yardi cloud’s fast, best practice-based solution deployments, painless upgrades and reduced overhead and capital costs.” said Neal Gemassmer, vice president of international for Yardi.