Cyber Security Forum to be held in Riyadh

Cyber_SecurityIn view to create a balance between business agility and security controls and keeping in mind the changing cyber security trends, Fleming. is organizing 3rd Kingdom Cyber security forum in Riyadh from 22nd to 23rd May, gathering stakeholders on a collaborative platform to address key concerns.

Cyber crime is a global security threat that has been cultivating in the middle east region lately and has succeeded in creating more unstable environment in the region. An observation is that there are several influences leading to increased risk of cyber crime in the region. According to a report by Cisco, total global cyber threats have reached their best recorded level yet by multiplying 14% from 2012 to 2014.

The event is sponsored by Dell SecureWorks, Sophos, Detacon Al Saudia and is supported by Cisco, Owl Computing Technologies, Bit9 + Carbon Black and ISACA.

