Excel Networking Solutions hails partner training event

The recently held Excel partner training day.
The recently held Excel partner training day.

Cabling solutions specialist Excel Networking Solutions, recently held training for its channel partners in Dubai.

According to the company, the Excel partner training course forms a key part of the Excel warranty scheme and allows partners that complete and pass the training to offer the 25-year warranty.

Ross McLetchie, regional sales manager, Middle East, Excel Networking Solutions, said: “The cornerstone to our product and services across the region is a firm commitment to enhance relationships with continued education. This latest round of training days is proof that we strive to enshrine the highest standards to our customers.”

McLetchie added: “The fact we were able to host events across the region in one week highlights our continued investment and growth in the region. This was rewarded by us being a finalist at the Network Middle East Awards, hosted by ITP and Network Middle East magazine in the same week.”

According to the vendor, a pre-requisite of partner status with Excel Networking is training. The company added Excel Cabling Partners are required to undertake extensive training, the understanding of which is verified through an exam.

