Emt Distribution to expand vendor brands

Mobasseri says most of the well-known IT security vendors in the market today are over distributed.
Mobasseri says most of the well-known IT security vendors in the market today are over distributed.

Regional valued-added distributor (VAD) Emt Distribution, has revealed that it’s expanding the Emt Academy portfolio after it recently signed a deal with IT training provider Pearson.

The distributor said it is focusing on bringing in new technology brands and has embarked on a vendor partner recruitment drive.

Mohammad Mobasseri, CEO, Emt Distribution, said the company has decided to raise the tempo of its enablement programmes by providing channel partners with training and certification initiatives that help them to win new businesses and stay competitive. “We are seeking to partner with vendors not just for the sake of it, but bringing on board brands we believe fill a gap and complement the existing portfolio in our stable,” he added.

Mobasseri said that’s why the company has identified partner enablement programmes as the critical element that will help the broader reseller base to have the competitive edge in a market that is changing fast. “Last year when we launched the Emt Academy, most partners were not too sure of the value the training and certification they were getting. Fast track that to now, most are aware of what it means in terms of the business when you have certified sales and technical staff,” Mobasseri said.

He explained that in bringing new vendors on board, Emt would like to work with strategic brands that are not over distributed. “Most of the well-known IT security vendors in the market today are over distributed. What we are looking for is vendors that have great great technology, hunger to grow and support the business,” he explained.

