ICC launches Cyber Security guide for Business

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has launched its cyber security guide for business and it is now being distributed for free online.cybersecuritybusinessguideThe guide was launched by ICC’s Dutch initiative during the Global Conference on CyberSpace 2015 that took place between April  16 – 17, 2015 in The Hague, The Netherlands.

The conference was attended by several Prime Ministers and Ministers of ICT from various nations.

ICC launched the guide with a mindset that modern information and communications technologies are enabling businesses of all sizes to innovate, reach new markets and drive efficiencies that benefit customers and society. Increasingly, business practices and policies are challenged by having to adapt to the direct and indirect impacts of pervasive communication environments and network information flows that are required in the delivery of goods and services.

Present at the Conference was Uganda’s Minister of ICT John Nasasira who said that his government, “works with private sector through Public – Private Partnerships, not only to strengthen our Cyber – security capacity, but also to deal better with cyber threats by sharing information.”

According to ICC, many enterprises adopt modern information and communications technologies without fully realizing that new types of risks must be managed as a result. The Cyber Security guide for business addresses this gap and outlines how enterprises of all sizes can identify and manage cyber security risks.

One of the Cyber Security Guide’s unique features is that it was written for managers without an IT-background. It provides companies of all sizes guidance to limit potential cyber risks.

Five principles of Cyber Security shape the core of the Cyber Security Guide, together with six essential Security Actions. Taking into account these principles and actions, all companies can use the Cyber Security Guide’s self-assessment tool to evaluate their organizations’ cyber risks. The download link for the guide is: http://www.icc.nl/cyber

