Angola’s Unitel interested in acquiring Guiné Telecom

Angola's Unitel is rumoured to be interested in buying Guinea-Bissau’s Guiné Telecom.
Angola’s Unitel is rumoured to be interested in buying Guinea-Bissau’s Guiné Telecom.

Media reports in Angola reported today that Unitel, a private telecommunications operator in Angola, is waiting for the launch of an international tender to submit an offer to buy Guinea-Bissau’s Guiné Telecom.

The Portuguese news agency, Lusa quoted Eunice Lopes Esteves, a senior official responsible for overseeing Guiné Telecom (fixed line and network operator) and Guinetel (mobile operator), both majority owned by the state but bankrupt, said that the Angolan company had expressed interest in acquiring the first of the two companies.

Telecom companies from Ghana, China, South Africa and Romania are also interested in acquiring Guiné Telecom.

“In 2011 there was specific interest from Unitel, and we made some contacts, but now the Angolan company is awaiting clarification of the sector, because the sale of the companies will be made via international tender open to all interested parties,” said Esteves.

