Experts plan digitisation of East African information resources

Information Management experts from the East African Community (EAC) Organs and Institutions have convened in Kampala for the two day meeting to map the way forward towards to the digitisation of EAC information resources.

EAClogoEAC integration information and knowledge comprises of various information materials ranging from Treaties and Protocols to photographs and maps.

The initiative to digitise these information resources is due to the recognition for the the need to make EAC information easily accessible and shared effectively with stakeholders and researchers.

Officially opening the Meeting, EAC Director of Human Resources and Administration, Mr. Joseph Ochwada noted that the EAC Organs and Institutions were generating a lot of information since their establishment. “However, there are challenges of visibility, accessibility, preservation, harmonization and effective dissemination of EAC information”, he added.

In 2013, The EAC Secretariat commissioned a study to develop digitization modalities for EAC information resources. The report of the study presents recommendations with emphasis that the EAC should establish a “One-Stop Shop” framework for its Organs and Institutions that shall provide a single access point for all information.

The meeting is expected to review the findings and recommendations of the report and develop an action plan and roadmap for digitizing the EAC Information Resources.

The Meeting is being attended by Librarians, Communications Experts and Information Technology Experts from the EAC Organs and Institutions.

