Intel introduces new generation processor

5th Generation Intel Core vPro Processor
5th Generation Intel Core vPro Processor

Intel Corporation recently announced the availability of its 5th generation Intel Core vPro processor family that provides cutting-edge features to enable a new and rapidly shifting workplace. To meet the needs of a more mobile and dynamic workforce, the latest iteration of Intel Core vPro processors offer wireless innovations, built-in security, faster performance and improved manageability that will allow workers and companies to improve their productivity and stay competitive.

With the new 5th generation Intel Core vPro processors, Intel addresses three specific areas to enable a better way to work and provide a better experience for users and companies: PC design innovation, wireless display and wireless docking.

“Our goal is to enable all users to simply work better by offsetting the growing challenges of today’s businesses,” said Tom Garrison, vice president and general manager of Intel’s Business Client Platforms. “With new devices based on 5th generation Intel Core vPro processors, we aim to transform the user experience by helping them compute from virtually anywhere without the clutter and burden of wires.”

Intel Solid-State Drive Pro 2500
Intel Solid-State Drive Pro 2500

Intel claims, the new processors also provides hardware-enhanced security and manageability capabilities and when paired with the Intel Solid-State Drive Pro 2500 Series, IT departments can now implement built-in data encryption capabilities. Intel Identity Protection helps to simplify authentication and helps ensure the right people have access to the right information at the right time.

The 5th generation Intel Core vPro processor family enables workplace transformations that can result in hundreds of billions of dollars of productivity enhancements to businesses of all sizes. By removing the wires, delivering outstanding performance and battery life, and choosing the optimized form factor to meet the needs of each employee across the spectrum of innovative designs, Intel is delivering a truly optimized business platform that will change the way work is done.

