F5 announces Silverline for hybrid application delivery services

F5 Networks today announced new hybrid service capabilities to help organizations scale IT resources across dynamic cloud and data center deployments. Under the company’s new Silverline banner, F5 will offer extended security, optimization, and availability services from hosted and managed infrastructure, marking F5’s entrance into the cloud services delivery space.

The F5 Silverline services delivery platform expands the company’s F5 Synthesis architecture to enable application services within customers’ deployment model of choice: on-premises and/or as-a-service. Beginning with DDoS protection and security intelligence services, the Silverline platform will support additional application delivery capabilities as-a-service in the future.

“Organizations are looking for the ability to cost-effectively deliver applications without constraints, with specific IT components as a secondary concern. F5’s goal with the Synthesis framework is simply to remove barriers to deploying and scaling application services. Our Silverline offerings will make core F5 technologies available as-a-service to help customers embrace hybrid deployments without forsaking the benefits they’ve seen in the data center,” said Manny Rivelo, EVP of Strategic Solutions, F5.

Ongoing migration of applications to the cloud, increased user and resource mobility, and an ascension of sophisticated threats have led to the dissolution of the traditional enterprise perimeter. This requires organizations to pursue a unified services platform that spans integrated data center and cloud deployments.

“Cloud-based services are of increasing interest to customers, and we see F5 wisely addressing the industry’s momentum around hybrid deployment models. Starting with the DDoS protection offering, we expect the company’s Silverline platform will provide an effective means to bring additional application services to market,” said Dan Wilson, Co-Founder and EVP, Partner Solutions, Accuvant.

With Silverline, F5 is broadening the reach and utility of its services fabric to promote nimble IT infrastructures. F5’s investment in hybrid services delivery and security intelligence licensing options mirrors the industry’s rising interest in providing programmable application delivery capabilities across physical and virtual infrastructures to support Software Defined Application Services and other software-defined initiatives.

“Efficiently scaling application services such as optimization, security, and availability is still a priority topic for enterprise organizations, even as we’ve seen an evolution of how (and where) these services are applied. F5’s move into hybrid application delivery services should open up new opportunities with customers looking to move applications out of their traditional data center environments and take advantage of the flexibility offered by cloud providers,”  added Zeus Kerravala, Principal Analyst, ZK Research.