Good Technology sees a growing demand for business apps that can support business workflows

Channel Post speaks to Zahir Abdelouhab, the Strategic Account Manager at Good Technology about the regional mobility market and the data management challenges in the Middle East.

Zahir Abdelouhab, the Strategic Account Manager at Good Technology.
Zahir Abdelouhab, the Strategic Account Manager at Good Technology.

How do you see the mobility market evolving in the Middle East region?
Middle-East market maturity in term of Mobility is exactly where we were 1 year ago in Europe. All customers are struggling to ‘manage’ their new fleet. A revolution is coming and they will soon all move to the upper level. Companies will now have to think about how they can transform their business through mobility.

They will also need to think about managing mobile data, in addition to engaging large number of users in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. This is where Good Technology can add value to the entire proposition. We provide a full mobility platform which allows businesses to control IT by focusing on data management.

What sort of demand do you see from your customers in this region that is consistent across the board?
We have a lot of demands on basic features such as Mail and Personal Information Management (PIM). We are also seeing a growing demand for business applications that can support business workflows.

Do you work with any other distributors in this region apart from Spectrami?
No, Spectrami is our exclusive distributor for the Middle East region.

How did Good Technology decide to go with Spectrami?
While doing our research, we were able to quickly identify Spectrami as a key partner in this region. They have many connections with different kinds of partners, in addition to contacts with big customers.

What sort of support does Good Technology provide Spectrami and its channel community to ensure your technologies are preferred by Spectrami’s customers?
We have full team dedicated to support Spectrami and its partners remotely in the region. Pre-sales engineers and consultants, channel managers, sales managers and so on can rely on Good Technology to avail timely support. Of course, we plan to have regular visits in the region and even recruit a local team if the business grows as we expect.