Outlook 2014: Virtualization technologies will continue to grow

Channel Post spoke to Trevor Dearing, Gigamon’s EMEA Marketing Director, to find out how 2014 looks for his company.

Trevor Dearing, Gigamon's EMEA Marketing Director.
Trevor Dearing, Gigamon’s EMEA Marketing Director.

How has 2013 been for your company business-wise, strategy-wise, growth-wise?
2013 has been a momentous year for Gigamon. We have grown in the region substantially and have also become a public company. Our focus has been on our core customer groups for Data Centres, service providers and security.

This year, what sort of challenges were addressed by your company?
The big challenge for customers is moving to higher speed virtualized services and we have been mainly focused on helping customers keep visibility on that transition.

What opportunities does 2014 bring along?
2014 should maintain that focus on helping customers in the migration to new services. However, as new requirements emerge for monitoring so does the number of users and applications and the results of this include the need to deliver more granular traffic.

What sort of challenges need to be addressed in 2014?
Organisations will need to address the monitoring and management of traffic as the volumes and variety increase.

How will the technology market shape up in 2014?
There is likely to be an increase in the number of products that are looking for specific types of traffic to monitor to be able to measure the experience that end users are getting.

Will there be a change in the way your company and your channel community works in 2014?
No, for the Middle East region our route to market will still be with the channel and using Computerlinks as our main distributor.

Have you planned for any special channel-related engagement for 2014?
Our plans are to enhance the way we train and enable our partners in 2014 in order to increase our engagement.

As far as end user products are concerned, what according to you will be the top 10 technologies for 2014?
I believe the growth of virtualized technologies will continue to grow so I think the top 10 will mostly consist of virtualized versions of existing technology but at higher speeds 10/40 and 100Gbs.

