Saudi Arabia based ICC goes green

Saudi Arabia IT distributor based International Computer Company (ICC) recently formed a partnership with EXITCOM, the manufacture of recycling electronic and electrical products.

The partnership will result in the establishment of first Arab company in the field of recycling electronic and electrical products, EXITCOM KSA. The agreement was signed during the International Conference for the Recycling of Electrical and Electronic products (IERC) held in Austria earlier last month.

Basheer Aljabri, Chairman, ICC,  said: “The company enters the field due to its awareness about the importance of this vital sector andthe extent of its negative effects on the environment and people in the long run.”

Akram Elyas, Vice President, ICC, said, “Saudi Arabia is lagging far behind its counterparts in the developing world in the field of recycling of products and wastes. The Kingdom suffers from a high volume of e-waste like the rest of the Gulf countries because of the overwhelming response to and use of electronic technologies, especially mobile phones and computers. Statistics estimated that the Kingdom produces approximately 3 million tons per year of e-waste.

Elyas pointed out that the volume of e-waste generated by mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices, could rise by 500 percent over the next decade in some countries, which highlights the urgent need to create awareness about environmental practices in the region. He added that the e-waste is one of the largest sources of increased waste in the world.

Mourad Alger, chief executive of EXITCOM, said the EXITCOM KSA would play a major role in this partnership.

